好,那就結果就散了多了,然後下雨了,我們對下雨了。好,那這就是本集的youtube買觀看名義大對決。喜歡的youtube買訂閱有用嗎話,幫我忙一個喜歡,如果mytempsms獎抽的youtube買訂閱有用嗎一個另位分享開啟講魚單,那我們就下期再見了。微博。哎,剛二號約了約了。如果ig 粉絲購買你也想成為下一位爆紅創作者,請打開下方資訊欄連結一起來投稿吧。為什麼哎呃,我問一下行了板,您要第二份。what about the witness? and codl on?這是三級and a warm老姐,你好,請hello,大家好,我是阿關。今天我們來到的youtube買訂閱有用嗎是考納斯的臨時短信一個購物中心裡面。那上次有介紹到這個波爾磨砂珍珠奶茶,他在很多地方都有分間,所以ig 粉絲購買考納斯就是第二大城裡面,這裡有一間老城有一間,所以youtube買訂閱有用嗎目前考納斯應該是兩間吧。然後維爾紐斯目前很多間,所以youtube買觀看呢我就想說來問他們對於這個奶茶的line 貼文 誰按讚看法,就是多久喝一次,你較喜歡什麼口味for the favorite level boble tefor the green tea feking寶廳,我回來還不牽扯的youtube買訂閱有用嗎bowce me外高的ig 粉絲購買sweet三,but sometimes是一般都就不不生,就是我就個就就是here are for good from taiwan, which one you will choose to eat with the bubble tea, maybe i see somewhere。oh yeah,掛包,you know, bubble teamth from which country,你吃飯。i wine, the character open ite one, and it need the shape of our island。i will give studenence a is a pinenle pame from臺灣。you can try to eat with bubble tea。yeah, thank you very much。 thank you would day。 that's you。that's you同便。呃,where's someone for come to that old isa?i am trying to do ink two of them。